Admissions Overview
A very warm welcome from the Admissions team of Dulwich College Seoul! We know that choosing a school for your child is a decision not made lightly and our Admissions team is here to help guide you through the process. In this section, you will find everything you need to know about the admissions’ process, eligibility criteria, fees, age placement guide and other useful information.
Applying to Dulwich College Seoul
Dulwich College Seoul opened in the centrally located Seocho District in 2010 and is recognised as a leading international school in the city. Our College is a co-educational day school for students from Nursery to Year 13 (age 3 to 18 years), and over 40 different nationalities are represented in our community.
Dulwich College Seoul is academically selective and follows an enhanced British curriculum adapted to the needs of our international student body. Students in Year 10 and Year 11 follow a course of study leading to IGCSE (International General Certificate of Secondary Education) examinations and then follow the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP) in Year 12 and Year 13. Our strong academic curriculum is complemented by rich co-curricular activities comprising sports, wellbeing, STEM and the arts.
Continuing the tradition of excellence started by our founding school, Dulwich College London, our graduates go on to study at leading universities in the UK, US and around the world. Our mission is to “inspire students to grow as global citizens who make a positive difference in the world”.
The primary teaching language is English. To ensure our students will thrive, we assess the English level of non-native speakers before making an offer. Our Mandarin programme is streamed and caters to all abilities. We teach Korean cultural immersion in Primary School and Korean language as an elective in Senior School.
The close collaboration among our Dulwich Colleges throughout our family of schools in Shanghai, Beijing, Suzhou and Singapore gives our students unique opportunities to participate in network events such Model United Nations, academic Olympiads, sports competitions, leadership conferences, and benefit from the group's relationships with leading educational and artistic organisations.
We encourage you to visit our campus to learn more about the College, meet the College Leadership Team and tour our campus. If you are overseas and unable to visit us in person, we invite you to take a virtual tour of our campus here.
Please click here to submit an enquiry and schedule your personalised campus visit and/or online consultation with our Leadership Team. Upon receiving your online enquiry, a member of our Admissions team will be in touch with you.
Process at-a-glance
The following diagram demonstrates a typical process an applicant may go through if they are eligible and assessed to be admitted into the College. Please note that there are instances where the process may vary depending on the circumstances.

1. Check Eligibility
Current legal regulation for students to be eligible for admission to an accredited foreign school in Seoul state that the applicant must fall under one of the following criteria:
1) The child of a parent who does not possess the nationality of the Republic of Korea. Parents are required to fully disclose their citizenship status and produce valid passports and alien registration cards and such other documents.
2) A Korean national (including a person with dual citizenship) who has resided in foreign countries for a minimum of three years.
3) A child naturalised as a Korean and is deemed by the Head of the relevant school to have difficulties to continue to attend school in conformity with the standards and procedures prescribed by Presidential Decree in Article 60- 2 (1) of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act after going through the deliberation of the School Governance Committees under Article 31 of the Act.
Please enquire with our admissions team if you are unsure about eligibility. Please click the list of Application Checklist Documents to check the eligibility documents required.
2. Submit an Enquiry Form
Please click here to submit an enquiry and schedule your personalised campus visit and/or online consultation with our College Leadership Team. Visits can be scheduled throughout the week (except on Saturdays, Sundays and Korean national holidays) from 8.30am onwards. Each consultation will last approximately 1.5 hours.
If your child meets the legal eligibility criteria to attend a foreign school in Korea, we will guide you to submit an online application form along with additional checklist documents. We will arrange an assessment of your child either online or at the College upon reviewing the completed application and checklist documents. We will let you know of the decision around admissions 7-10 days following the assessment.
3. Submit an Application Form
We accept applications throughout the year.
To determine which Year Group to apply for, please refer to our student age placement guide. As a general rule, students should have reached the age indicated in the table before 1 September of the year of application.
Please contact our Admissions team with questions about the application process by calling +82 (2) 3015-8517 or emailing
Children applying for entry into Nursery and Reception must submit current and prior school records from their current teacher if the student has had previous education. Students entering Nursery and Reception must be fully toilet trained, able to dress and undress themselves for swimming, and be able to eat with a fork and spoon or chopsticks. Our Head of Primary School or Deputy Head of Primary School meet all students for an informal 20 minute play-based assessment session, before the Admission Committee reviews the application, and making a decision to offer admission to the applicant.
Children applying for entry into Year 1 and Year 2 must submit current and prior school records and a Confidential Report (stencil provided by the College) from their class teacher or Principal if applying from overseas. Students who are not overseas will meet with the Head of Primary School, Deputy Head of Primary School or a teacher in their Year Group for a short play-based assessment, before the Admissions Committee reviews the application, and making a decision to offer the applicant a place.
Students applying for entry into Year 3 through Year 6 must submit current and prior school records. Students undergo assessments to ensure they can access the curriculum. The Cognitive Ability Test (CAT4) consists of verbal, quantitative, spatial and non-verbal assessments and a 15-to-30-minute writing assignment. Students will meet with a member of the Primary School Leadership Team before the Admissions Committee reviews the application or a place is offered. Candidates whose first language is not English will take an “English as an Additional Language" assessment.
Students applying for entry into Year 7 through Year 13 must submit current and prior school records. Students undergo assessments to ensure they can access the curriculum. The Cognitive Ability Test (CAT4) consists of verbal, quantitative, spatial and non-verbal assessments and a 60-minute writing assignment. Students will meet with a member of the Senior School Leadership Team before the Admissions Committee reviews the application or a place is offered. Candidates whose first language is not English will take an “English as an Additional Language" assessment.
Once all application forms and documents have been submitted, the Admissions Committee will review the student's application and notify parents about the admission decision. As Dulwich College Seoul is a selective school that works to ensure all students are set up to succeed, the selection process will take into account academics as well as how well the applicant will socially and emotionally adjust to the school.
Due to the academic rigour of the IGCSE and IB Diploma programmes, the admission process for the High School is highly selective and not all students who apply will be offered admission. Students entering Year 10 and upwards will need to provide their Subject Options for review and be interviewed by the Head of Senior School or Assistant Head of Senior School, to ensure they are able to meet the academic demands of the courses.
Students will be subject to the following considerations:
What to know for entry into Year 11 through Year 13
Year 11:
Applications for enrolment into Year 11 are considered on a case-by-case basis.
Year 12:
Students enter Year 12 with the expectation that they will attempt the full Diploma programme. Please check Admissions Guide for the entry requirement, which is available from Useful Documents.
Year 13:
Only in very exceptional circumstances will the College consider mid-entries into the IB Programme in Year 13. To be considered, students must be applying from a nearly identical IB Programme and will be assessed on a case-by-case basis.
We could make special arrangements for the entrance assessments to be administered at the candidate's current school. If a candidate cannot be interviewed, we may offer a provisional place, which could be withdrawn if the College later determines that it cannot support the applicant’s needs, or there is a concern raised that was not previously known. Under extenuating circumstances, we may conduct assessments online and via teleconferencing.
We enrol students whom we know we can support to ensure they are set up for success. We enrol students with learning challenges when the information available indicates that the student’s learning needs could be met by the services we provide.
Our team will consult with students and parents to conduct all necessary assessments and review copies of all previous reports and records. We request that parents provide all information available to enable our Admissions Committee to make an accurate decision about learning support services and admission.
Please check Additional Educational Needs Policy for more information, which is available from Useful Documents.
4. Enrolment Information
4.1 Tuition
Below are our school fees for the 2025-26 academic year.

4.2 Enrolment Information
Payment Terms
Tuition and bus fees are paid annually or termly. Capital Levy is due for new students only. Tuition Fees, Capital Levy, and all other sums for which the parent/guardian is liable must be paid on/before the due date indicated on the invoices. Families with 3 or more children enrolled in full day programmes are entitled to a tuition discount of 5% per student. The terms for payment and refund are set out in detail in the Terms and Conditions Governing Enrolment and Admissions to Dulwich College Seoul.
Acceptance and Placement Deposit
Applicants accepted for admission will receive an invoice following the acceptance letter. Upon notification of acceptance, parents are invited to confirm their intention and pay a placement deposit (refund policy subject to Terms and Conditions). If payment is not made by the date specified in the invoice, the applicant’s place will be forfeited and may be given to another applicant. No student will be allowed to attend class until his or her Tuition Fees, Placement Deposit, Capital Levy, and other charges have been paid. The Placement Deposit is not refundable if you cancel your admissions.
The Placement Deposit will be used as a credit for any unpaid fees or other sums due to the college when a student leaves the school. Until credited, it will form part of the general funds of the College. More details about the Deposit Refund Policy are set out in the Terms and Conditions Governing Enrolment and Admissions to Dulwich College Seoul.
4.4 Uniform
All parents are expected to purchase the school uniform for all students at the College from Nursery to Year 11. Our IBDP students (Year 12-13) are required to wear business attire.
See the Uniform section of FAQs for more information.
5. Frequently asked questions
Below are questions that members of our admissions team are often asked by our families.
Do you have a waiting list?
Yes, we do have a waiting list for most year groups. Parents are encouraged to apply early for a place at the College.
If so, how are admissions prioritised?
Priority is given to:
- a child of a full‐time faculty member
- a qualified sibling of a currently enrolled student
- a qualified sibling of a new student who has completed the application process
- a qualified student transferring from another Dulwich College or returning Dulwich College Seoul student.
- a qualified child of an Old Alleynian (OA) or International Old Alleynian (IOA)
Please note that waiting list positions are not disclosed to parents. Waiting lists are maintained for one academic year only.
Do you test all children before admission?
Dulwich College Seoul is a selective school where academic excellence is highly valued. All students seeking admission into Dulwich College Seoul are subject to observations and/or evaluations.
What kind of test is it?
Overseas students applying to DUCKS (Nursery - Year 2) are required to provide a Confidential Observation Report (provided by the College to be completed by their class teacher). Non-overseas students will be invited to class for an observation. Students applying for Year 3 to Year 12 are required to take the Cognitive Ability Test (CAT4) consisting of verbal, quantitative, spatial and non-verbal assessments. There is also a written English Assessment. Our Academic team will review test results and previous school records, and in many cases, applicants will be interviewed. Students who are found to require English as an Additional Language support will have additional assessments to further evaluate readiness to access the curriculum.
How long does it take?
Observations for children applying to DUCKS will take approximately 20 minutes. Students applying to Year 3 and above will need approximately 2.5 hours to complete their assessment excluding additional interview(s).
How long does it take to get the results?
Results will be processed within one week of evaluation, on condition that all application documents have been submitted.
I am unable to visit Seoul before we move. Where can my child be tested?
A teacher in your child's current school can conduct the evaluation on our behalf. Parents will need to provide the email address of the teacher or registrar with whom we should correspond.
At Dulwich College Seoul, we appreciate the cultural diversity that non-native English speakers bring to our school and we are able to support a percentage of students who are non-native English speakers. Applicants who speak languages other than English should be able to demonstrate age- appropriate academic proficiency in their native tongue. Our admissions team may request that students be assessed on their ability to handle the academic challenges of English before an admissions decision is made.
How big are your classes and what are your student/teacher ratios?
Dulwich College International schools have established the maximum class sizes as follows:
- Nursey and Reception Student-adult ratio 8:1
- Year 1-3 22 students per class : 1 classroom teacher, 1 teaching assistant
- Year 4 22 students per class : 1 classroom teacher, 2 teaching assistants for 3 classes
- Year 5-6 22 students : 1 classroom teacher, 1 teaching assistant for 3 classes
- Year 7-11 22 students per class: 1 subject teacher
- Year 12-13 14 students per class : 1 subject teacher
While the College expects to maintain student levels below the maximum, it reserves the right to increase the student numbers per class under special circumstances.
Can my child eat lunch at school?
Yes. Parents may purchase a mid-morning snack and cafeteria lunch from the College’s caterers. The caterers provide nutritious food with a daily choice of an Asian or Western menu, which take account of the diverse range of religious and ethnic backgrounds of our students. We provide tours of our kitchen facilities where our caterers speak to the time and care put into developing our menus. Parents are invited to taste a cafeteria meal alongside the students at the end. Alternatively, parents may pack a snack and lunch for their children to bring to school.
Who are your caterers?
We have partnered with Quadra since the College was established in 2010. They understand our needs as an international school with students from all over the world with varied tastes and dietary restrictions.
Please see details below:
- Quadra Dining Services
- Contact us: Dining Hall of Dulwich College Seoul
- Tel: 02) 3015-8590
- Email:
Please click here for more information on our caterers.
Do you accommodate children with food allergies?
Yes, all allergies are notified to the catering company. Parents must inform the College Nurse and the caterers of any food allergies upon enrolling. The College caterers may be able to provide alternative meal plans for certain allergies. If you have more specific questions about allergies, please contact Quadra. Please note that Dulwich College Seoul is a nut free campus.
Do you serve food with nuts?
Dulwich College Seoul enforces a strict nut-free policy throughout the school. Quadra abides by the College's nut-free policy as there are students who may have potentially fatal reactions to nuts. This also means we ask parents to avoid nuts for any baked goods or snacks packed for their children.
Can my child bring lunch to school?
Certainly. Parents are welcome to provide a mid-morning snack and packed lunch for their children. Students eat their packed lunches in the Dining Hall with all the other students. We support parents in providing a healthy option for our students’ lunches at school. Therefore, any packed lunches or snacks brought from home should not include sweets, chocolate, biscuits, fizzy drinks or other similar items. We discourage packing excessive amounts of snacks. Dulwich College Seoul is a nut-free campus. It is very important that parents take this into account when bringing in birthday cakes, snacks, lunches or any food for class parties or theme days, as there are students who have potentially fatal reactions to nuts.
What time do the children eat lunch?
Primary School:
Nursery and Reception |
11.40am to 12.10pm |
Year 1, Year 2, and Year 3 |
11.50am to 12.10pm |
Year 4, Year 5, Year 6 |
12.10pm to 12.40pm |
Senior School:
- 12:40pm to 1:30pm
What kind of food do the children eat?
There is a choice of a Western or Asian meal each day. The menus are planned around the nutritional needs of young people. We invite parents to view our daily menus on Instagram @dcsl.meals.
At Dulwich College Seoul, we believe ‘Home Learning’ should be relevant and engaging for students. It is an opportunity to build upon knowledge and skills they have been developing in school.
- Primary School
Where possible, teachers will set home learning tasks that can be completed independently and that require little parental supervision. Parents can assist with organisation but should not be completing contents for their child.
- Senior School
Homework is an integral part of student learning. It enables students to consolidate, practise and develop the skills they have learnt in class in order to prepare them for subsequent lessons.
School Uniform
Do students wear a uniform?
All students are required to wear the school uniform, except those in the IB Diploma Programme (Year 12- Year 13), who are required to wear business attire. Being smart is important at Dulwich College Seoul. We encourage students to take pride in their appearance and have high expectations and standards. There is a different uniform for warm and cold weather, and students should adhere to seasonal requirements.
What does it look like?
What are your school hours?
Primary School (Nursery to Year 6):
- 8.15am to 3.30pm: Regular school hours
- 3.30pm to 4.30pm: Co-curricular Activities
Senior School (Year 7 to Year 13):
- 8.15am to 3.30pm: Regular school hours
- 3.30pm to 4.30pm: Co-curricular Activities
Do you offer bus service?
Yes, we do. The school bus routes and stops are determined based on the distance and availability of buses, which may vary from year to year. We make every effort to accommodate requests. However, there will be times it may be challenging to do so due to the distance and a lack of bus availability in that area. Please note that our goal is to minimise bus commuting time for our students and optimise their learning experience.
Our buses are managed by a third party vendor we have partnered with for many years that has a good safety record. Each bus will have an adult bus monitor trained in safeguarding children to ensure the safety and wellbeing of our students.
What if my child stays at school late for activities? Can my child still get a bus home?
Yes, we provide buses for students participating in co-curricular activities. These buses depart the College at 4.40pm.
How much are the bus fees?
2025/2026 Annual Bus Fees:
- Round trip: KRW 4,720,000 (Termly fee: KRW 1,890,000)
- One way: KRW 3,780,000 (Termly fee: KRW 1,520,000)
Can my child walk to school? Or Is it safe for my child to walk to school?
Many of our older students walk or bike to and from school.
Do you have any scholarships?
We do not offer scholarships at this time.
Do you have boarding facilities?
We do not offer boarding at this time.
Under which circumstances would you conduct online classes and how are they conducted to minimise learning disruption?
Online classes will be offered if we are unable to access the College campus. Our staff are highly proficient in providing rigorous and developmentally appropriate online learning that mirrors our in-school provision. Lessons are delivered via the College online platforms.
To contact our Admissions team with further questions please call +82 (2) 3015-8517 or email