
Head of College and Advisory Board

The Head of College has authority over expenditures from the approved budget with guidance and assistance of senior staff members of the College and members of an Advisory Board. The Head of College appoints members of this board to provide advice in matters relating to finance, operations, HR, communications and IT, among others.

Board of Trustees

The primary function of the Board of Trustees is to makes recommendations to the Head of College, with an overview of the activities of the College. The Board of Trustees does not function as a final decision making body, except in cases of appeals of exclusions.

The following people sit on the Board of Trustees:

  • Eight voting members, including four Independent Trustees, of whom one will be voted Chair and one will be voted Vice Chair
  • Three non-voting members: the Head of College, the Director of Business Administration, and an Observer Trustee, who is a government official nominated by the Seoul Metropolitan Council.

If you have any questions or are interested in a position on the Board of Trustees please email