Fighting Malaria Together: AMF Korea and Dulwich College Seoul



At Dulwich College Seoul, we are always inspired by the passion and commitment of our community, especially when it comes to making a positive impact in the world. We'd like to extend our heartfelt thanks to our parents for bringing an important cause to our attention – the fight against malaria. In line with this, we're pleased to invite Graham Nelson, a parent and the founder of AMF Korea, to speak at our January Dulwich Talk. This event will shed light on the crucial work being done to combat this preventable yet devastating disease. 

The Challenge of Malaria 

Despite being both preventable and treatable, malaria continues to have a devastating impact, particularly in developing countries. In 2022, this disease tragically claimed the lives of nearly half a million children, highlighting the urgent need for more widespread and effective prevention measures. 

AMF Korea's Mission 

Established in August 2023, AMF Korea is dedicated to the fight against malaria. Operating entirely through volunteers and pro bono partnerships, the organization ensures that every donation is used efficiently for purchasing life-saving bed nets. These nets are a simple, yet highly effective, method of protection against malaria-carrying mosquitoes during their peak biting hours. 

Cost-Effective Impact 

The approach of AMF is notably cost-effective. For about 3,000 KRW, a bed net can protect two individuals, significantly reducing the risk of malaria transmission. With an average of $3,500, AMF can distribute approximately 1,500 nets, which is enough to prevent one death and up to 1,000 cases of malaria. This intervention not only saves lives but also supports local economies by preventing loss of productivity due to illness. 

Transparency and Accountability 

AMF Korea values transparency, allowing donors to see the journey of their contributions from production to deployment. This feature ensures that donors can see the direct impact of their support. 

Dulwich College Seoul's Support 

Dulwich College Seoul is beginning to engage with AMF Korea. We are planning various initiatives, including awareness talks and fundraising events, to support this important cause. We look forward to seeing our students and the wider school community get involved and learn more about the impact of their contributions. 

Join Us in the Fight Against Malaria 

We encourage the Dulwich College Seoul community to consider supporting AMF Korea. Your contributions can make a significant difference in combating malaria. To donate or learn more, please visit AMF Korea's website.


Supporting AMF Korea is an opportunity for us to extend our values of compassion and global responsibility. As we move into the holiday season and the New Year, let's consider the impact of our contributions. Your support can help in the fight against malaria and bring positive change to communities in need.