Online Learning in Primary School
Parent Quotes Regarding Online Learning
"What an overwhelmingly fabulous works you have been putting on online learning. I really appreciate your enthusiasm on our students. :) I am happy to share (my daughter's) work with classmates. She will be thrilled to see others' work as well."
"온라인 학습에 얼마나 감탄스러울 정도로 공을 쏟아부으셨는지 믿을 수가 없습니다! 선생님들의 학생들에 대한 열정에 정말 감사드립니다 :) 같은 반 친구들과 (딸의) 과제를 공유해 주셔도 괜찮습니다. 제 딸아이도 다른 친구들의 과제들을 보면 정말 좋아할 것입니다."
"Thank you so much for your daily heads up which is really helpful for parents!"
"매일매일 소식을 보내주셔서 고맙습니다. 부모님들에게 큰 도움이 됩니다!"
"Thank you for your extraordinary efforts in keeping the students engaged and learning during this challenging circumstance. Your adaptability and flexibility in creating this alternate teaching environment is applauded! I also appreciate your frequent communication with and inclusion of the parents to keep us informed and involved. I know (my daughter) is enjoying the work, but missing her classmates and teachers :)"
"이렇게 어려운 상황에도 학생들을 계속 배움에 집중할 수 있게 해주신 노력에 정말 감사드립니다. 이 새로운 교육 환경을 만드는 선생님들의 적응력과 융통성을 칭찬합니다! 또한 부모님들과 자주 소통하여 정보를 공유해 주시고 참여할 수 있게 해주심에 감사합니다. [우리 딸은] 온라인 학습을 즐기고 있다는 것을 알고 있지만, 반 친구들과 선생님들을 보고 싶어 합니다 :)
"A big thank you also to you and the rest of the teachers! It must be so challenging for all of you also to navigate through this circumstance! We really appreciate your efforts!"
"당신과 다른 선생님들에게도 큰 감사를 드립니다! 이 상황을 헤쳐나가는 것 자체만도 여러분 모두에게 힘들 것입니다! 우리는 당신들 노력에 정말 감사합니다!"
“Thanks a lot for your hard work with the online learning. It is much appreciated and it is working well for me.
"온라인 학습에 큰 힘을 써주셔서 정말 고맙습니다. 매우 감사하며, 저로서는 [온라인 학습이] 잘 진행되고 있습니다.”
"Thanks for the updated email it is very useful. Video chat also works very well for me too.”
"업데이트된 이메일들은 정말 유용합니다. 화상채팅도 저한테는 잘 맞습니다."
“Also just wanted to share that (my daughter) has been enjoying her assignments this week and is showing pride in her learning. Thank you both for the encouragement and positive feedback/comments. She is trying her best and I am thrilled to see that her efforts and hard work is paying off.”
"또한 [제 딸이] 이번 주 과제를 재미있게 하고 있으며 자신의 학습에 대해 자부심을 보인다고 말씀드리고 싶었습니다. 격려와 긍정적인 피드백/의견에 감사드리고 싶습니다. 우리 아이는 최선을 다하고 있으며 노력의 결실을 보는 모습에 가슴이 설렐 만큼 좋습니다.”
"We appreciated the efforts of the teachers to adapt the new way of teaching considering the current situation. The use of technology, video recording from the teacher, and response at Google Classroom/Seesaw are much appreciated."
"현재 상황을 고려하여 새로운 학습 방법을 진행해 주시는 선생님들의 노력이 고맙습니다. IT 기술의 활용, 선생님들의 영상 녹화, 구글 클래스룸/시소로 주시는 회신 등에 감사드립니다."
"Today he made a very yummy chocolate pancake, following Ms Ambrose's videos. He felt like a big boy making it by himself - thank you Ms Ambrose for encouraging us to do such a fun activity. Following the yoga video, he exercised for a while. Thank you so much for sharing this fun activity!"
"우리 아들은 오늘 앰브로즈 선생님의 비디오를 따라 아주 맛있는 초콜릿 팬케이크를 만들었습니다. 아이는 요리하며 스스로, 마치 다 큰 것 같은 기분이었습니다 - 저희가 이렇게 재미있는 활동을 하도록 격려해 준 앰브로스 선생님에게 감사드립니다. 요가 비디오를 따라 잠시 운동도 했습니다. 재미있게 할 수 있는 활동들을 알려주셔서 정말 고맙습니다!"
Summaries from the Year Level Teams (Week 1)
The week has been a real learning experience for us all in the Early Years. The children have enjoyed receiving a daily video clip from their teacher celebrating their learning so far and setting new learning challenges for the day. It has been wonderful to see what the children have achieved at home and what fun they are having! On Tuesday, Ms Ambrose shared instruction for making pancakes, which many children followed to make their own - they looked delicious! The children have been learning all about shapes, they can say the names of 2D shapes in Mandarin and have been on a 3D Shape Hunt around their homes too. Mr Kelly’s Large Questions have kept the children thinking, "Would you rather fly like an eagle or run like a cheetah?" The children have even used the word ‘because’ to explain the reasons for their choices. It has been great to see so many children keeping active and getting some fresh air and sunshine, going for walks, playing in the park and one child has even learnt how to ride a 2 wheeled bicycle!
Ms Adele Guinee
Year 1
It has been quite a week for children in Year I as they busily engage with the home learning programme. The children and parents have embraced the tasks with energy, enthusiasm and commitment. On Monday morning, the Year 1 Team sent the children a variety of activities that they could select from, ranging from Morning Thinks to learning a new skill and walks in the local environment to connect with nature. The children are also participating in activities provided by their Specialist teachers. We are enjoying all the posts on Seesaw. The videos are particularly lovely because they help to bring the children’s learning to life as we watch them participating in their tasks. We would like to extend our sincere thanks and gratitude to the parent community for their patience and support. As a Year 1 Team, we meet daily and spend a lot of time supporting each other throughout the day too.
Mrs Margaret Curran
Year 2
In Year 2 this week, the children have been learning all about pancakes, how to make them and why they are important in the UK. We renamed them Gruffalo Footprints. They were then able to create a cooking show or an action adventure film about these Gruffalo footprints. Along the way they had many learning stop-offs to make their projects great such as, learning to measure grams and millilitres, writing playscripts and instructions, and finally enjoying their amazing pancake creations.
Ms Sarah Doble
Year 3
This week, the students in Year 3 have fully embraced their online learning challenge. They have taken part in Maths battles on Times Table Rockstars, practised their catching and throwing with balls of socks, cleaned and tidied their house as part of outdoor education and taken part in a science experiment where they will be forming crystals over the next week.
The will of the students to continue their learning is clear to see through the regular posts and comments on Seesaw. The Year 3 Teachers and Teaching Assistants are very proud of the students’ efforts so far, particularly with the way they have responded to next steps in learning, and are looking forward to seeing even more risk-taking with their learning as they continue to work hard during the online period. - Mr Harvey
Mr Jim Harvey
Year 4
Year 4 students have EXCELLED in their learning this week. We truly believe that our partnerships of students, school, teachers and parents have ensured that this learning community has continued despite the unusual circumstances of us working from our homes! Our students have been working on the features of play scripts, acting in plays and in particular focussing on the stage directions and speech needed to make a good performance!
We have also achieved English outcomes by writing letters to children living in India in different cultures and circumstances. In Maths, our interleaving approach has not been interrupted as we have achieved learning objectives from Number, Measure, Geometry and Statistics. Our students have been SO creative in how they have recorded their learning, and for us as educators it has been fabulous to see.
Mr Danny Barron
Year 5
Such pioneering spirit from the children in Year 5 this week! Lots of children have been collaborating and sharing ideas with each other, and there has even been a group workout session on FaceTime!
It is vital that the children still have some social interaction, and our Google Hangout learning conferences have been a vital part of keeping connections going. We have also been promoting a sense of balance (especially related to screen time), as well as focusing on the importance of monitoring our wellbeing.
Mr Matthew Spencer
Year 6
In Year 6, what was very fitting at the beginning of this week was our work during PSHE about E-safety. The children produced informative posters and collaborative presentations and is something they need to keep in mind whilst continuing their online learning and indeed, anytime they use the Internet. It has been great to see the children’s creativity during our Integrated Curriculum lessons this week as they make connections from their previous learning about physical features, climate and animal adaptation to design their own animal that has adapted to live in their created country. As well as this, they have had great fun designing creative ideas of how to create a wildlife guide depicting the animals and plants in their creative country. We cannot wait to see the finished product and how their countries are coming to life! The children have enjoyed completing practical Maths activities around their home developing their estimation and measurement skills as well as applying Maths in everyday life.
Ms Vanessa Wilson
Summaries from the Year Level Teams (Week 2)
Another wonderful week of learning for Nursery and Reception! Thank you for sharing so much of your children's learning with us. It has been inspiring to hear their thoughts about chocolate rain, flying cars and what would happen if we all looked the same! Some fantastic thinking and reasoning from our Owls. Students have got creative and designed and made their own animal World Wildlife Day costumes and researched facts about these animals. We have been lucky with the weather this week, with the sun shining, perfect for some outdoor learning. Students have been spotting the signs of Spring outdoors and practising their listening skills, hunting for sounds in the world around us. The students have continued to keep active this week, enjoying the relaxing movement of yoga and energetically dancing like a pirate! Thank you all for our parents' continued enthusiasm, commitment and sense of fun this week. Next week we will be helping students with more maths and language focused teaching videos from our EYFS staff - please look out for those. Our individual conversation with parent/child will continue as well and we will try out more live time video conversations and story times. Have a lovely weekend!
Ms Adele Guinee
Year 1
What have the children in Year 1 been doing? They have been making decisions about what they want to do and choosing how they want to present their ideas. Through engagement with a variety of activities, they have been creative, imaginative, problem solvers; clearly demonstrating their learning. What have we seen? Sparkling snow globes; fantastic fake snow; incredible ice cream; multi-coloured ice sculptures. Some children researched Arctic animals, while others created their amazing animals out of modelling clay. In Maths, the children have been exploring 3-D shapes and positional language in very imaginative ways. One child even used marshmallows to connect the ‘corners’ of their 3-D shape. Remarkable videos demonstrated their understanding of positional language. On top of this, the children have been playing fun games to develop their linguistic skills in Mandarin. In music, the children particularly enjoyed clapping the rhythm to ‘Bee, Bee, Bumble Bee’, using a steady beat. The PE department have kept the children fit and active through the dazzling dances and ingenious yoga exercises. It has been wonderful to see so many happy, smiling faces.
Mrs Margaret Curran
Year 2
Once again, a wonderful and busy week of online learning! Thank you to all of you who encourage, support and facilitate our current learning environment. The children have been demonstrating increasing independence and a joy of learning. Seeing the children’s enthusiasm, hearing their explanations and thoughts about their work has been very beneficial.
The children have been working hard to demonstrate what they know about numbers and times tables; they have been building their vocabulary and writing lovely sentences. We have enjoyed hearing their comments under our Good Morning posts to the ‘questions of the day’ as well. We believe this has helped the children to connect with others as they collected and displayed this information in tally charts and graphs. They have also been finding some great stories in Newsround to share with us.
The children have continued to engage in activities from our Specialist Teachers, which have included yoga, drawing, composing and retelling Korean folk stories - the children have been quite busy!
A special thank you to Charles and Niimh in 2L; Peyton and Hano in 2R, and Alice, Nola and Alex in 2D for their hard work across the curriculum. Thank you everyone for all your hard work and efforts over the last week! Have a wonderful weekend!
Ms Sarah Doble
Year 3
Our second week of online learning in Year 3 was an overwhelming success with the students being asked to prioritise Maths and English, and trying their best to engage with the other activities posted by our Specialist Teachers in PE, Mandarin, Art, Music and Korean; striking their sock balls at targets in PE was a particular highlight as was the line drawing challenge set by Ms Seo in Art. Always up for the challenge, the students have been completing many of the tasks with greater quality and no less enthusiasm. Well done, Year 3.
The student survey also showed a very positive response to online learning, which has done a lot to reassure the teaching staff that their hard work is paying off for our students. We will, as a team, continue to endeavour to feedback and respond to tasks with next steps in learning. One of our highlights of the week was undoubtedly our first Google Hangout with the students. It was wonderful to see and hear everyone and to continue our connections with the class. The students were charged with the task of entertaining the class by bringing a joke or fact to the Hangout and create a boost for morale!
This week, in English we have focused our attention on Folk Tales and on developing responses to the story, The Enchantress of the Sands. In Maths, we have looked at shapes, multiplication and division, statistics, addition and subtraction and of course reflecting on their learning. Our Science experiment proved to be another popular addition to the learning and, again, the responses to Ms Bond’s experiment were excellent and the ingenuity from the students was fantastic as they built structures to support their magnets and conduct the test.
Mr Jim Harvey
Year 4
It has been another remarkable week of online learning for our students - well done Year Four. In a time where Dulwich College Seoul teachers are working from home, I would like take a moment to acknowledge the learning that has taken place in Year 4 lessons in Korean Studies, PE, Art, Music and Mandarin. Students have been stringing violins or having viola and cello lessons with Ms Han and Ms Yu. In Art, there have been lessons relating to colour and tone, creating a colour wheel. PE lessons have also focussed on strength and stamina as students have been timing themselves completing various tasks, and counting steps. Finally in Korean Studies students have been creating presentations about their learning of Korean Dolmens.
This week in Year Four classes, we have seen students use their play script learning to turn a drama into a story. If Year 4 parents have not been able to watch the drama of 'The Little Shoemaker', it is linked in the 'In case you missed it' section of the Year 4 Week Ahead. In Mathematics, students have been advancing their learning by looking at shape and angles, as well as estimating as a measure of time; linking with PE lessons. Students will still have helpful and fun activities to complete on both Mathletics and Mangahigh. In our studies about India, students have had the challenge of a guided inquiry about India's impact on the environment. Although the themes and facts that they explore will relate to India, it will also bring perspective to choices we make in whichever country we find ourselves living.
Mr Danny Barron
Year 5
Another remarkable week of online learning by Year 5! All classes have been working hard, and the Google Hangouts have been a really valuable way of keeping in touch and fielding children's questions, with live time chats happening.
In English, we had some fantastic plans for story sequels based on our class book from Iran, 'The Girl With a Brave Heart', and the children came up with some really interesting and creative ideas on how to develop their own stories.
In Integrated Curriculum (IC), we asked the children to imagine the first meeting between Kublai Khan and Marco Polo, and then to think about the different perspectives of the two historical figures. This is an important part of the inquiry process, and can help children to develop their historical understanding of a particular concept. In PSHE, we asked the children to think about their 'digital footprint' and how every user of the Internet can leave a legacy of information. In Art, the children used various websites in order to create their own personal avatars - even the teachers had a go! Have a great weekend.
Mr Matthew Spencer
Year 6
Again this week, we have just been so impressed with how the children have settled into the routines of online learning. The children are independently managing their learning time better and this is something we want to continue to encourage them to do. Google Hangouts has continued to be a really useful tool for keeping in touch and answering the children's questions together in a live time chat.
In English, the children developed their understanding of persuasive techniques and have produced writing focusing on using emotive language to advertise food, as well as using rhetorical questions and exaggeration to persuade someone to join an ECA. We apologise in advance if they use these persuasive techniques on you! It was great to see the children also practise their debating skills during our live video session too. The children formed strong persuasive arguments as to why their ECA was the best club.
The children also enjoyed their live singing session this week for Music. They are very excited to now be creating their national anthems for their created country during their Music lessons. We cannot wait to hear them!
The creativity displayed during our IC sessions continues to amaze us. The wildlife booklets created have been very artistic whilst also displaying their knowledge of adaptation and animals from different places around the world. This week the main focus has been on understanding the significance of landmarks around the world and researching about one in particular, and to then help them design their own initial ideas for landmarks in their created country. The children are still continuing this into the beginning of next week where they will have created a 3D model for their country. During our PSHE sessions, the children produced thoughtful work about fake news which is very apt during this time.
Ms Vanessa Wilson