Primary FOBISIA Games


Our students had an outstanding performance at the 2023 FOBISIA Games held in Thailand! This event, which brings together international schools from around Asia, offers a unique opportunity for Year 5 and Year 6 students to compete in swimming, athletics, T-ball (similar to baseball), and football. It's not just about competition; these types of events foster bonding and create memories that far outlast the students' time at school together.

The days were long, the weather hot and the competition demanding! An early morning breakfast was used as fuel for the events ahead, fuelling both the body and the anticipation of what was to come. All of our 39 athletes demonstrated the Dulwich Values of courage, enthusiasm, and integrity.

We are immensely proud to report that we came away with numerous medals, three trophies and memories that will last a lifetime. Some team highlights were: 1st place in T-ball, 2nd place in Boys’ Football, and 3rd place in Girls’ Football.

But success isn't just measured in medals and trophies. The achievements of our students and staff go far beyond winning silverware. The experience, the camaraderie, the lessons learned – these are the true riches gained from participating in events like the FOBISIA Games.

Congratulations to all participants of the FOBISIA Games. Your exceptional performance truly embodied the spirit of Dulwich! GO LEOPARDS!